Privacy Policy

Information concerning personal data protection

Personal Data Controller

We would like to inform you that the Controller of your personal data is Elastico Sp. z o. o. registered at Kapitańska 3a, 71-602 Szczecin, Poland, electronic mail address, phone number +48 91 425 80 97 [hereinafter: the Controller]

The purposes of personal data processing and the basis for data processing

The processing of your personal data will take place based on your consent – Art. 6. point 1 letter. a) of Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council / EU / 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and the repealing of Directive 95/46 / EC (Official Journal of the European Union L2016, No. 119, p. 1) [hereinafter: GDPR] in order to provide the Newsletter service and to contact via the contact form.

Legitimate Interest

A legitimate interest in the processing of your personal data is marketing and information on the services or products offered on the part of the Controller.

Categories of recipients of personal data

Your personal data will be provided to entities authorized under the laws, as well as entities authorized on the basis of agreements concluded by the Controller, in particular, contracts for IT services.

Data retention period/criteria for determining this period

Your personal data will be stored for the duration of the provision of the service and for the period necessary to fulfill the Controller obligations, pursuant to generally applicable laws.

In the case of personal data processed on the basis of a consent, the data will be processed for the period of validity of the consent and after the expiration of the storage of a backup copy (30 days). The consent may be revoked at any time unless the applicable laws provide otherwise.

Rights of the data subject

The detailed scope of your rights as a person, to whom personal data refer (the commonly called “data subject”) is contained in Chapter III of the GDPR titled “Rights of the data subject”.

At any time, you are entitled to:

  1. request access to your personal data,
  2. demand a correction of your personal data,
  3. request the erasure or limitation of the processing of your personal data,
  4. object to the processing of the personal data concerning your person,
  5. demand a transfer of your personal data,
  6. file a complaint to the appropriate Supervisory Authority
  7. if the processing is carried out on the basis of a consent, withdraw the consent to the processing at any time without affecting the lawfulness of the processing, which was made on the basis of the consent before its withdrawal.

Information as to the requirement/conditions for providing personal data

The provision of personal data is necessary to provide the service, and not providing the data will result in discontinuation of the newsletter service / the lack of the possibility to establish contact.

Automated decision making

Your personal data will not be processed in an automated manner and profiled.